Mastering Time Tracking with QuickBooks Time Login

Time tracking is a critical part of running a successful business. Knowing where your time is spent allows you to understand your costs, increase efficiency, and bill clients accurately. QuickBooks Time gives small businesses an easy way to track time and projects right within QuickBooks Online. Here's how to master time tracking with QuickBooks Time Login.

Getting Started with QuickBooks Time

The first step is signing up for QuickBooks Time Login. This can be done directly within your QuickBooks Online account. QuickBooks Time has different subscription levels depending on your needs. Make sure to choose the right plan for the number of users you need.

Once signed up, you can add Time Login access to employee profiles. Employees can then log their time from any device via the mobile app or web browser. Admins can restrict employee access to only certain clients or projects.

Configuring Projects and Tasks

Tracking time properly requires setting up projects and tasks correctly upfront. In QuickBooks Time, go to the gear icon and select Projects and Tasks. Here you can create Project Templates that have pre-built tasks associated with them.

For example, you may create an SEO Audit template that has standard tasks like Keyword Research, On-page Optimization, Technical SEO, etc. This saves you time when setting up future projects.

You can also create individual projects from scratch and add specific tasks as needed. Be sure to group and organize tasks in a way that makes sense for reporting later.

Entering Time Transactions

The key to accurate time tracking is consistency in entering time transactions. Employees should log time as they work on a daily basis. QuickBooks Time allows time entry via desktop browser, mobile app, or timer.

When logging time, the user selects the client, project and task to track time against. They then enter the number of hours worked, duration, billable status and add notes if needed. Time can be entered down to 15 minute increments.

Project managers can set up QuickBooks Time to require time entries to include notes or photos for proof of work. This ensures quality time data.

Generating Timesheets and Invoices

Once time is entered, QuickBooks Time can auto-generate detailed timesheets. You can customize timesheets with your logo, columns, fonts and more. Timesheets can then be easily sent to clients for approval.

QuickBooks Time also seamlessly integrates with QuickBooks Online Billing. With a click of a button, you can turn approved timesheets into invoices in QuickBooks. This makes billing for time work smooth and efficient.

You can also export time data to external accounting or project management software using the API. This extends the power of your time tracking.

Reporting on Time Tracking

QuickBooks Time provides robust reporting on where time is being spent across your projects and business units. Reports can be filtered and grouped in different ways to provide valuable insights.

Key reports include:

  • Employee Time Summary - See total hours worked for each employee. Spot overtime issues.
  • Billable vs. Non-Billable Hours - Analyze percentages of billable vs. non-billable time. Set goals for improvement.
  • Project Profitability - Calculate costs vs. revenue per project to identify your most and least profitable projects.
  • Client Profitability - See profit margins per client to determine your ideal customer profile.

Best Practices for Ongoing Success

Here are some top tips for continued success with QuickBooks Time:

  • Train employees on time tracking processes and importance of accuracy. Set expectations.
  • Review time data weekly. Provide feedback to employees if entries are unclear or incomplete.
  • Run project profitability reports monthly. Adjust project pricing as needed.
  • Automate sending of timesheets weekly. Take advantage of approval workflow.
  • Turn on notifications and reminders. Keep time tracking top of mind.

Mastering time tracking takes work but pays dividends. QuickBooks Time provides user-friendly tools to capture time and get insights to make your business more profitable. Follow these best practices to see continued improvement.

The ability to understand where your time goes is critical. QuickBooks Time Login gives you an easy way to track time, bill clients and uncover profit leaks. Master time tracking and propel your business growth.