How to Connect with a QuickBooks Premier Expert When You Need Help


QuickBooks Premier is a powerful small business accounting software that helps streamline various financial processes. However, like any complex program, users can sometimes get stuck or have questions. That's where connecting with a QuickBooks Premier expert can help. These experienced professionals can provide invaluable assistance so you can get the most out of QuickBooks Premier. This article will explore some tips on connecting with experts effectively when you need help.

Ask Around Your Network

The first place to look for a QuickBooks Premier expert is within your own network. Ask business associates, friends or family if they can recommend someone. Having a personal referral can give you added confidence in the provider’s capabilities. Check sites like LinkedIn as well to see experts that colleagues may be connected with already. Leverage those relationships to find someone qualified rather than starting a search from scratch.

Search Official QuickBooks Resources

Intuit, the maker of QuickBooks 2024, provides several ways to locate and connect with certified experts. Their website QuickBooks Find-a-ProAdvisor has a directory you can search by location and specialty. ProAdvisors have undergone training and testing to prove their expertise. Similarly, Intuit’s Contractor and Accountant Marketplaces connect you to accounting professionals and contractors familiar with QuickBooks products. These sources vet the providers, so you know you’re getting quality assistance.

Check Review Sites

There are many online services that allow professionals to list their services along with reviews from past clients. Sites like Thumbtack, HomeAdvisor and even Google My Business can help you discover local advisors. You can read first-hand testimonies of their knowledge and customer service. Be sure to contact more than one prospect to compare qualifications. Verifying licenses, insurance and other credentials is also wise for any financial services engagement.

Outline Your Needs

Before reaching out to an expert, think through your particular needs around QuickBooks Premier. Do you have an error message you can’t resolve? Are you trying to set up inventory or payroll features? Do you need guidance customizing reports or templates? Get clear on the specifics first. QuickBooks Premier encompasses a huge range of capabilities for managing small business finances. Whether you require one-time troubleshooting or ongoing support, an expert can guide you more effectively if you identify how they can help.

Ask Key Vetting Questions

Once you connect with a few QuickBooks Premier specialists, ask questions before hiring to ensure they have the required knowledge and experience to address your needs:

  • How long have you worked with QuickBooks Premier specifically? General QuickBooks experience may not translate to mastery of Premier’s extensive features.
  • What Premier problem areas are you most versed in – setup, customization, error correction, data migration, etc? Make sure their specialization aligns with your needs.
  • How do you usually work with clients? Do you provide remote support by phone/email or onsite consulting as well? Understand options.
  • What is your timeline availability? When could you start assisting me? How long could we expect the initial engagement to take? Get a sense of bandwidth and responsiveness.
  • What certifications do you hold? Do you undergo regular QuickBooks training to stay updated on new features? Relevant credentials indicate professionalism and up-to-date knowledge.

Take Time Explaining Your Situation

During your initial consultation with a Premier expert, take the time needed to clearly explain your current situation, challenges and objectives. Walk them through specifics of your QuickBooks setup, company processes and desired functionality. Provide full context of your accounting system, workflow pain points and feature wish list. Detail allows them to tailor solutions to circumstances so guidance is practical and relevant. Being organized and transparent upfront ultimately saves you time and money because it prevents false starts.


Mastering business accounting technology as complex as QuickBooks Premier is no small feat for the average user. There’s no shame in needing expert assistance to supplement knowledge gaps or troubleshoot issues. Connecting with a qualified QuickBooks Premier professional provides stress relief along with support to use Premier to its fullest potential. Leverage your network, specialized directories, review sites and smart screening to discover the expert best equipped to help your business get maximum value from QuickBooks Premier. Investing some time is well worth unlocking greater efficiency and insights from such a powerful platform.